Home Page News

KSI Presents Certificates with Golden Seals for January Perfect Attendance

KSI presented certificates with golden seals to individuals with perfect attendance in January.  Alphabetically recognized are:  Dale Adams, Jason An…

KSI Presents Certificates with Silver Seals for January Outstanding Attendance

KSI presented certificates with silver seals to individuals with outstanding attendance in January.  Alphabetically recognized are: Casey Anderson, B…

KSI Receives Grant from Lewes-Rehoboth Beach Rotary Club

KSI recently received a generous $2,000 grant from the Lewes-Rehoboth Beach Rotary Club. Grant funds will enable KSI to offer music instruction. Musi…

KSI Presents Certificates with Golden Seals for December Perfect Attendance

KSI presented certificates with golden seals to individuals with perfect attendance in December 2024.  Alphabetically recognized are:  Jason Anthony,…

KSI Presents Certificates with Silver Seals for December Outstanding Attendance

KSI presented certificates with silver seals to individuals with outstanding attendance in December.  Alphabetically recognized are: Dale Adams, Case…

KSI Southern Campus Receives Grant from Sussex County Council for Music Arts Program

KSI recently received a generous grant from the Sussex County Council which will enable “Art Works for All” to facilitate an Artist in Residency Musi…

KSI Receives Donation from Georgetown-Millsboro Rotary

KSI was able to purchase touch screen computers for its program participants at the Georgetown location thanks to a generous donation from the George…

KSI Receives Grant from DFRC for Arts Program

KSI recently received a generous $4,000 grant from DFRC, Delaware Foundation Reaching Citizens with Intellectual disABILITIES for the Artist in Resid…

Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report

Check out all the great things that happened in Fiscal Year 2024.KSI Annual Report FY24.pdf 

KSI Presents Certificates with Silver Seals for November Outstanding Attendance

KSI presented certificates with silver seals to individuals with outstanding attendance in November.  Alphabetically recognized are: Casey Anderson, …

KSI Presents Certificates with Golden Seals for November Perfect Attendance

KSI presented certificates with golden seals to individuals with perfect attendance in October.  Alphabetically recognized are:  Dale Adams, Jason An…

KSI Announces Director of Human Resources Retirement/New Hire

KSI recently announced the retirement of Director of Human Resources Barbara Wilson effective January 10, 2025. Ms. Wilson has performed exceptionall…

KSI Adds Saundra Hale as Assistant Vice President of Operations

Disability service provider KSI announced the hire of Saundra Hale as Assistant Vice President of Operations. Working directly with KSI Vice Presiden…

KSI Presents Certificates with Silver Seals for October Outstanding Attendance

KSI presented certificates with silver seals to individuals with outstanding attendance in October.  Alphabetically recognized are: Casey Anderson, B…

KSI Presents Certificates with Golden Seals for October Perfect Attendance

KSI presented certificates with golden seals to individuals with perfect attendance in October.   Alphabetically recognized are:  Dale Adams, Jason A…

KSI Receives Grant from Kent County Levy Court

KSI received a generous $1,000 grant from Kent County Levy Court to support KSI’s Kamp Lenape. This donation will help KSI renovate the camp kitchen …

KSI News-Fall 2024

Catch up on all the latest news! There are great things happening at KSI!KSI News-Fall 2024 

Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Council #3792 Donate and Tour KSI

KSI received a generous donation from the Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Council #3792 in Milford. Following the check presentation, four representa…

KSI Clifford T. Crouch Memorial 3 Club Golf Tournament Celebrates Success

KSI’s 35th annual 3 club golf tournament, officially renamed the KSI Clifford T. Crouch Memorial 3 Club Golf Tournament, was held at Maple Dale Count…

KSI Monster Bash Presents an Evening of Treats During Halloween

On Saturday, October 26, 2024, KSI is hosting a fun-filled evening at the beautiful Knutsen Farm in scenic Harrington, Delaware. KSI’s Monster Bash w…

KSI Receives Grant from Wawa

KSI recently received a generous grant from Wawa. Funds from this grant will enable KSI to purchase equipment for its food service program. KSI is a …

KSI Announces CARF Accreditation

KSI is proud to announce that CARF International, (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) has presented a three year accreditation…

KSI Monster Bash Slated for October 26

Back this year, KSI’s Monster Bash is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th, once again at the Knutsen Farm in Harrington Delaware. Plan to attend, be…

Milford Lions Club Donates to KSI

Once again, the Milford Lions Club has reached out to provide support to KSI, this time to help provide additional wheelchairs for emergency evacuati…

KSI 3 Club Golf Tournament Slated for September 20

KSI’s 3 Club Golf Tournament has been renamed the KSI Clifford T. Crouch Memorial 3 Club Golf Tournament and will include a Play it Forward hole spon…

KSI Receives Renovation Funds from WSFS CARES Foundation

KSI recently received the third and final payment of a generous three-year grant from the WSFS CARES Foundation in support of KSI’s Capital renovatio…

KSI Wishes Retiring Vice President Jim Greenwell the Best

KSI honored its Vice President of Finance & Technology, Jim Greenwell with a retirement ice cream social which included KSI staff and program par…

Milford Rotary Club Donates Wheelchairs to KSI

KSI received two wheelchairs from the Milford Rotary Club. When members of this Rotary Club learned that KSI needed additional wheelchairs for its em…

Summer 2024 Edition of the KSI News

Check out all the exciting things happening at KSI!KSI News-Summer 2024 

KSI Women of Empowerment Group Gather for Tea Party

Celebrating their one-year anniversary, the KSI group, Women of Empowerment, gathered for a Tea Party one afternoon in June. Organized by KSI Case Ma…

KSI Receives Wheelchair Donation from Millsboro Lions Club

Members of the Millsboro Lions Club brought KSI four wheelchairs and one transport to help the organization enhance its emergency evacuation resource…

KSI’s Paths to PossAbilities 5K Event Enjoys Perfect Weather

KSI’s 3rd Annual Paths to PossAbilities 5K Run/ Walk was held at Mispillion River Brewing Company on June 8. Organized by Nic DeCaire’s team with Fus…

KSI Kamp Lenape Paving Donated by Local Businesses

Jerry’s Paving teamed up with asphalt supplier Allan Myers to totally repave the parking lot and basketball court at KSI Kamp Lenape in Felton—all th…

KSI Drivers Make a Difference with Advanced Certification

Recently, eight members of KSI’s Transportation Services team took a major step to help the organization fulfill its mission more effectively. KSI in…

KSI Receives Grant from Milford Lions Club Eunice Reed Fund

KSI recently received a generous $2,500 grant from the Milford Lions Club Eunice Reed Fund. As KSI continually makes improvements to its programs and…

Opportunity to Participate in University of Delaware Study

Please share this opportunity if you know of anyone who may be interested in participating in a University of Delaware Study for people with disabili…

Fondue Dine & Donate Event Benefits KSI

KSI received a donation from Fondue after hosting a dine & donate event Fondue has begun offering to area nonprofit companies. The evening, from …

KSI Receives Grant from Lewes-Rehoboth Beach Rotary Club

So much gratitude to Lewes-Rehoboth Beach Rotary Club's members and club President Dr. Michael Bellerose (left) for presenting KSI Director of Commun…

KSI Volunteers Recognized by Delaware Veterans Home

KSI was proud to be among the volunteers who were recognized on Wednesday, April 24 by the Delaware Veterans Home (DVH) at a Volunteer Appreciation C…

KSI Hires Mark Dufendach as Senior Executive Vice President of Finance

KSI is pleased to announce that Mark Dufendach has been hired as Senior Executive Vice President of Finance. Mr. Dufendach received his Bachelor of S…

KSI News Spring 2024

Check out the latest edition of the KSI News!KSI News-Spring 2024.pdf 

Dining at Fondue on April 11 Benefits KSI

KSI invites you to “dine & donate” on Thursday, April 11 at Fondue, 39 N Walnut Street, Milford any time between 4 p.m. – 11 p.m. While helping t…

Friends of KSI Car Show Wheels into Milford on May 4

KSI invites you to attend the 7th Annual Friends of KSI Car Show on Saturday, May 4th from 9 till 2 at KSI’s Skill Development Center, 301 N. Rehobot…

Delta Waterfowl Bay to Bay Chapter Raises $3,475 for KSI

On February 16, 2024, members of the Delta Waterfowl Bay to Bay Chapter visited KSI to present a $3,475 donation that was part of proceeds from their…

My Life, My Decisions Summit

Check out the My Life, My Decisions Summit happening on March 7th at the University of Delaware. You can use this link to find more information and s…

Lord Baltimore Lions Club Presents Donation to KSI

KSI recently received a generous $1,000 donation from the Lord Baltimore Lions Club. Members of this club have supported KSI and embraced abilities f…

Helen D. Groome Beatty Trust Makes Generous Donation to KSI

KSI received a generous $20,000 grant from the Helen D. Groome Beatty Trust to support its Employment Training Program. This donation will enable KSI…

KSI Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023

Check out the latest edition of the KSI News.KSI Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023 

KSI Celebrates Renovations at Skill Development Center with Ribbon Cutting

On Tuesday, December 12, a host of guests gathered at KSI’s Milford Skill Development Center on North Rehoboth Blvd., Milford to celebrate the renova…

Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Council #3792 Donates To KSI

The Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Council #3792 conducted their annual Tootsie Roll drive, collecting $2,019.75 in donations to support individuals…

Fun at Friends of KSI Quarter Auction Results in $5,000 Donation

The 11th Annual Friends of KSI Quarter Auction resulted in a $5,000 donation to KSI. Members of this volunteer group have raised funds for KSI since …

KSI Announces Heath Chasanov as New CEO of the Organization

It is with great pleasure that the Board of Directors of Kent-Sussex Industries, Inc. (KSI) announces its selection of Heath Chasanov as new CEO of K…

KSI Kamp Lenape Receives Community Reinvestment Grant and Grant in Aid Funding

KSI received exciting news when the legislative session came to an end in June. A Community Reinvestment Grant of $249,000 provided funding to upgrad…

KSI 3 Club Golf Tournament Claims Success

KSI’s 34th Annual 3 Club Golf Tournament, The Clifford Crouch Memorial Golf Tournament, was held at Maple Dale Country Club in beautiful weather on S…

Knights of Columbus, Brother Vincent Council #7517 in Smyrna Donates To KSI

The Knights of Columbus, Brother Vincent Council #7517 conducted their annual Tootsie Roll drive, collecting $2,054.10 in donations to support indivi…

KSI Receives Kent County Community Service Grant

KSI received a generous $1,000 Community Service Grant from Kent County Levy Court to support its Pre-Vocational Training and Life Enrichment Program…

KSI News-Fall 2023

Check out the latest edition of the KSI News!KSI News-Fall 2023.pdf 

KSI News-Spring 2023 Edition

Check out the latest edition of the KSI Newsletter.KSI News-Spring 2023

KSI Celebrates Acquisition of “Kamp Lenape” with Ribbon Cutting

On April 4th KSI and a host of guests gathered at Camp Lenape in Felton to celebrate KSI’s acquisition of the camp which was run for many years by Un…

KSI Receives Generous Grant from Helen D. Groome Beatty Trust

KSI received a generous $20,000 grant from the Helen D. Groome Beatty Trust to support its Pre-Vocational Training Program. This donation will enable…

Suzy Hutchison from Sharp Energy Receives KSI Champion Award

Suzy Hutchison, Sales Representative for Sharp Energy was recently named a KSI Champion. A KSI Champion is someone who fully believes in KSI’s missio…

KSI Receives Two New Vehicles from DTC for Transportation Program

KSI received two new vehicles from the Delaware Transit Corp (DTC) to support its transportation program. Both vehicles are propane, 16 passenger whe…

KSI Receives Donation from Lord Baltimore Lions Club

KSI recently received a generous $1,000 donation from the Lord Baltimore Lions Club. Members of this club have supported KSI and embraced abilities f…