KSI recently received a generous $1,000 donation from the Lord Baltimore Lions Club. Members of this club have supported KSI and embraced abilities for nearly three decades.
Photo Caption: While club members enjoy fellowship and dinner, KSI’s Director of Community Relations, Alicia Hollis (right) accepts a donation from Lion Janet Bauer, President of the Lord Baltimore Lions Club. The Lord Baltimore Lions Club members have supported KSI with an annual donation for nearly three decades.
KSI provides vocational training, employment, community integration, transportation, day habilitation, life enrichment, and nutritional services to individuals with disabilities throughout Sussex and Kent Counties. KSI, a not for profit agency, is committed to making all reasonable accommodations in order to ensure that its programs and services are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. Contact Alicia Hollis at 422-4014 ext. 3015 or hollisa@ksiinc.org for more information. See how you can partner with KSI to Embrace Abilities.