KSI invites you to “dine & donate” on Thursday, April 11 at Fondue, 39 N Walnut Street, Milford any time between 4 p.m. – 11 p.m. While helping to raise funds for KSI’s programs and services, you can enjoy a special dining experience with Fondue’s wide variety of cheesy, savory and sweet fondue dinners, as well as salads and appetizers. Fondue will be donating 10% of its sales, food and beverages, that evening to KSI.
See Fondue’s entire menu and make reservations at eatatfoundue.com or call 302-249-2444 to reserve your table. Come out and dine in one of Delaware’s most unique restaurants while helping KSI raise important dollars. Help adults with disabilities to maximize their abilities and live their best lives through KSI’s programs and services.